Posts tagged Ceramics podcast
21. See it Through with Wren Macdonald
19. Processing Processes with Hae Won Sohn
Studio PracticeCammi ClimacoCammi Climaco, Hae Won Sohn, Sohn Hae Won, Cranbrook Ceramics, Greenwich House Pottery, BKLYN CLAY, pottery, pottery teacher, Ceramics podcast, the ceramics podcast, The Ceramics Companion
16: Kartini Thomas Coming In Hot
Ceramic Sculpture, Ceramic ArtCammi ClimacoCammi Climaco, Kartini Thomas, Ceramics podcast, ceramics france, ceramics belgium, maison & objet, center for craft, Cerf+, Beaux Arts, Rotten Island, Château Lagauzinie, Ceramic Brussels, ceramic sculpture
15. Making Time and Tracking Materials with Del Harrow
Ceramic Sculpture, Ceramic Art, Studio PracticeCammi ClimacoCeramics podcast, Cammi Climaco, Del Harrow, Colorado Ceramics, the ceramics podcast, The Ceramics Companion, The Ceramics Podcast, pottery, pottery podcast, Colorado State University Ceramics, 3d printing clay, abstract ceramics
13. Analyzing About Ceramics with Ben Koditschek
Studio Practice, Social Media and CeramicsCammi ClimacoBen Kodischek, Cammi Climaco, Ghost pottery, Value Form, Pottery, analyzing clay, Social Media Ceramics, psychoanalysis and ceramics, The Ceramics Companion, Ceramics podcast, pottery podcast, the scene from ghost
12: Business with Mary Gattorna of Weather Report
Ceramics Business, Studio Practice, Gloop, Ceramic Art, The Ceramic VesselCammi ClimacoMary Gattorna, Cammi Climaco, Ceramics podcast, The Ceramics Companion, the ceramics podcast, handmade, ceramics business, gloop glaze, pottery buisness, Renegade Craft Fair, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Mike Jabbur
11: Honoring Your Inner Child with Day Briérre
Ceramic Art, Coil BuildingCammi ClimacoCammi Climaco, Ceramics podcast, clay sculpture, ceramic art, drawing on clay, Day Brierre, Day Briérre, coil building, Greenwich House Pottery, Lillstreet Art Center
10: Making is Thinking with Christopher Salas
Ceramic Art, Studio PracticeCammi ClimacoChris Salas, Cammi Climaco, The Ceramics Companion, the ceramics podcast, Ceramics podcast, pottery podcast, ceramic art, ceramic sculpture, cranbrook, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, ceramics